The entrepreneurial school holiday blues

Four days in and I’ve given up the fight.

The tussle and juggle of solo-business owner versus school holidays was over today. It just had to be. Because I was driving myself mad and the kids too, and that’s just not cool anymore.

This working from home (albeit in an awesome custom-built studio!) combined with kids at home scenario just does not work for me, or them.  And I knew that. I know that.  It happens every term, every year.  I head into school holidays with a sense of trepidation and angst – the complete opposite of my non-business-owning or working friends – as well as a huge bag of mother guilt for feeling that way.  The “can’t you just take some time off? You’re the boss aren’t you?” comments don’t help either….

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Be a change maker not a change seeker

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the changes that have happened in my business and the improvements I would still like to make. I reflect on these two things often.  They tend to come up for me when someone asks me my story, or wants to know more about what I do.  It seems that many small business owners I speak with feel the same; there always seems to be a need for stretching, improvement, and change. The thing is that often we’re just not sure what’s missing, how to begin to effect the changes or even where to start.

To make change happen you need three key things:

  1. The vision to know where you’re going,
  2. The skills and resources that enable you to get there
  3. A plan to drive it forward.

There’s a big difference between people who seek change and people who make it happen – the latter understand where they want to go and why, and they have a strategy for getting there.

And key number four? The change makers rarely do it alone.

This kind of work is what I love to do for business leaders from solo startup to established expert. I do this work with heart, skill and experience in my corner. One-on-one consulting is the most effective method, although I also run beautiful group immersion retreats and technique workshops. Each has its own benefits.

If you want to build a meaningful business that becomes a beloved brand you need to unlock the value of your story. The power that lies within your own words is immense; use them wisely in your marketing and you will connect with people in a way you never knew possible. When you learn how to look back and connect the dots of your own history, your present and your future will become far clearer.

If you would like to become a change maker rather than a change seeker, then I’d love to be by your side.

If you would like to work with me on a one to one basis, please contact me for details on terms.

I’m also opening up registrations for the July (1-4) and October (21-24) Writer’s Retreat. More retreat info can be found here.

I am excited to have the chance to work with you, to help you differentiate your brand, build the business you want and to see your ideas fly.